Please follow the store's return policy below.
- General terms:
- Purchased products will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- Customers can exchange or buy another product with a price equal to or higher than the purchased product. Customers will pay the difference in price when exchanging for a product with a higher value. If the exchanged product has a lower price than the purchased product, the customer will not be refunded the difference.
- Each product can only be exchanged once.
- Bookas will assess the condition of the returned/defective item before any exchange is made.
- Bookas reserves the right to amend the store's return policies and conditions for promotional items and special programs at any time.
- Conditions for exchange:
- The product shows no signs of damage from external agents.
- Products must have intact labels, product boxes, and accompanying gifts (if any).
- Customers have full purchase invoices from Bookas.
- The product is not defective due to the storage and transportation process of the user. Bookas is not responsible for damage caused by customers not following the instructions for use.
- Products not subject to return policy: gift vouchers and products in promotional programs or participating in promotional programs.
- Exchange period:
- Within 7 days from the date printed on the invoice.
- For customers purchasing via delivery, it will be calculated 7 days according to the postmark.
- Guarantee:
- Bookas reserves the right to decide, classify the current status, and collect any additional fees (if any) when accepting warranty products.
- Warranty period from 15-30 working days.
Thank you and see you again!